The Metamorphoses of the Brain – Neurologisation and its Discontents için kapak resmi
The Metamorphoses of the Brain – Neurologisation and its Discontents
The Metamorphoses of the Brain – Neurologisation and its Discontents
De Vos, Jan. author.
Fiziksel Niteleme:
IX, 250 p. 2 illus. in color. online resource.
Chapter 1. The Education Brain -- Chapter 2. The Material Brain -- Chapter 3. The Iconographic Brain -- Chapter 4. The Sexual Brain -- Chapter 5. The Celebrated Brain -- Chapter 6. The Political Brain. .
What are we exactly, when we are said to be our brain? This question leads Jan De Vos to examine the different metamorphoses of the brain: the educated brain, the material brain, the iconographic brain, the sexual brain, the celebrated brain and, finally, the political brain. This first book-length argument on neurologisation, which lays bare its lineage with psychologisation, should be taken seriously by psychologists, educationalists, sociologists, students of cultural studies, policy makers and, above all, neuroscientists themselves.
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